memoir monloage montage mtn.vw

@publicrelations . 

really a display of emotion expression & exploration. 

my interest in art has connected the conclusion that every industry needs ideas to operate. 

i felt a desperate need to work on this project as my consciousness developed more character in this spiritual warfare . 

In april 2022 a space of distance was where i found myself.

the early production stages for [saymyname] separated me from my collection of friends but brought me closer 

to my family & sense of self.

i started back working with my grandfather @ his plumbing company during may summer 2022. something about the title of the trade mix with the off shade purple brick that was previously painted on the house spoke to me . remodeled my perception of people being mislabeled. i start questioning my relationship with these titles // definitions  

seeking for a sense of identity 

i shifted my focus onto building a body of work that would seek a solution to my identity quest + present a project that can bring profit for my family to utilize resourcefully + anyone can get the message.

my dad would have to leave the job site to pick up my lil brother from school so that gave us an opportunity to reconnect build express etc. since we live in separate homes

the experience of spending time with my dad side of the family learning how they provided for the household was quite fulfilling . i would bring my canon powershot A550 to document my experiences as an apprentice building a discography of images taken on a digital device i got @ value village for $15.

adopting this journalism persona // 

utilizing my interest as research . 

the red beanie : connected me back to my middle school youth : which in my opinion is the kickstarter to my craftsmanship.

#YIMMY the foundation of me getting introduced to the idea of industry . 

the birth of @ publicrelationmediabroadcast 

started from an idea to formulate a creative agency that could provide insight via

the product + service of documented media 

subject to bring ideas to life .

inspired by press . 

treating the account like a finsta + fanpage :

seeking a community to cater for :

becoming a storyteller : 

# essentially a study on anthropology 

a vision of a board of directors 

doing said so task such as : 

documenting / designing / displaying / distributing / developing / works of ideas crafted by domenique elam . 

calling it what it is . putting it out to the people . utilizing what i own to get to what i don’t : simple as a it may seem or sound 

i promise to do myself a favor. “see it thru” or “do this like brutus” as my dad would say. 

he was the one who named me. 

“NiQO” my first nickname. 

growing up i had bunch of alias : 

a wide range considerably 

from “Fatty Meat Patty” to “What What”

as i get older ; im realizing the identity crisis.

i always saw myself as a son of parents who  work for themselves . i see the risk they took [ by just having me ] in a sense i feel like their token. “ the toy of the day “

at a time of my youth i didn’t understand the value of my own name. 

which meant: i got teased over something i didn’t choose #lol #whatever 

the fact that boys & girls both have my name seemed so offensive to mention 

to me @ an adolescent stage of my consciousness. as i think about it : 

it was the fight to secure an identity. 

i don’t know who won ; # see  ?

mirror aspect 

ideas based on other people’s understanding of what my name meant to their teachers / parents ; promoting those ideas to their kids ; spreading it down to me.

the effect sparked a chain reaction of expressions. such hatred such love  

such awareness towards my name 

[ such as this article ] #interview  

it made me the judgmental person who questions everything. 

my viewpoint on my name shifted as I transition from 7th to 8th grade. 

making a tumblr account was a gateway to a new world order designed to trap me into striving for commercialize personas instead of focusing on sustainable development.

so called “elite forces” having control over companies that provide media to the kids guiding them on a path of self destruction.

pornography 🪪 was curated to distract & disrupt the ones who are seeking a path of righteousness . 


feeding me chemicals + commercials.

theses conditions control my perception shifted my perspective to behave on the fence of duality. 

ive seen cycles of self expression 

get tainted by laws & systems operated by evil people potentially possessed by whatever spirit. 

whoever satan is 

he is birthed from god 

definitions dont get enough recognition 

the meaning of meaning means 

nothing & everything all @ once 

[status + service] have a complex relationship of showing us what to do & what not to do.

when it comes to focus. discipline. 

it’s all about doing what you don’t want 

while not doing what you do want 

which creates an interesting dynamic of complexity. 

days & nights we all experience.

#studiostudy #Workshop 

ima say this while im coming up

the balance in [saymyname] is that 

“ you can do it too “ foreal 

i wouldn’t be here without the people who came before me that put forth effort in providing infrastructure , resources , ideas , supplies, etc via : teamwork 

understanding the true collaborative effort put into all my tools i utilize to express myself ; it comes from innovative individuals who joined up with more like minded people to the develop the deed .

the greatest grand gesture ever. 

going out of your way to relate to another human 

the boundaries of my mind-frame 

can only explore as much as im willing 

to travel. i think “this” is the answer. 

shadow meander . addressing my wrongs just as much as my rights . 

the spectrum scale is an attempt to display 

universal values of the human senses on a rudimentary level of design. 

idea : reconstruct the idea of family 

i realize the agenda put in place to separate us from every angle @ all cost . looking @ my linage there is so much division within the village curated throughout centuries.

i still feel directly targeted .

access to tumblr pornography birthed an unhealthy addiction for self pleasure.

the first place i saw anything of this nature 

was @ my grandparent’s house on my dad side ; after finishing my homework one 7th grade night ; shifting my focus onto scouting material to juxtapose onto images i would upload in a cohesive studio + gallery format on instagram under the moniker : @d0pekid 

#research #screenshoot : 

@ this time of my youth i was inspired by the #tbh era with the text prompt written over random modern images so 

i built a catalog of edits based on a blend of my reality + my imagination that i ended up deleting off the page + losing access to the device with the images not backed up .

all before the introduction to any substance that will yield my process…. 

“” trapped in a curious search engine optimization . “”

sensitive content is being so caught up in how people perceive you 

&!-“” that you allow it to hinder the performance of the task is needed to be accomplished.

i make broad connection of things.

dom the builder . the bridge is no longer gap

i put my hand on the stove 

knowing it wasn’t cold 

to break down my code

i have to expose myself 

address the wrongs i conceal 

just so i can feel #real 

i make broad connections of things

my whole life i lived XD

my middle school property got put into my dad’s storage once he moved outta his apartment permanently relocating me 

back with my mom after being on a schedule prompted to : spending every other day @ each parents house + alternating weekends .

i associate YIMMY with my middle school era  tho the premature days are worth mentioning : it consisted of me moving around with my dad alongside my : 

“ step mom “ + “ step brother “ 

building a bond with us 4! 

created the life of : drew ian sims elam 

my first baby brother .

we would bounce around from apartment to apartment mainly managing middle class family activities . practicing principles of being a provider // protector . politics 

thinking for the team 

power to 

psp x wwe wrestlers 

we moved into a house on 

scott x wentworth 

where we would become [ a ]

5 member household .

beautiful puzzle piece to the story ***

but long story short the relationship ended after a night of miscommunication mixed with a morning of misbehavior .

the babysitter that got hired to watch us for the night was a teenager who had a curfew herself so the mom came to pick up her daughter : not wanting to leave us home alone she insisted we get in the car with her 

leaving the the door unlocked : not knowing my dad was coming back home 

and that my step mom was the one not coming home. 

she pack with her kids + me drew & josh in the car .

we ended up spending the night

without parental consent to my knowledge 

which left my dad discombobulated 

the whole night wondering what happened to 3 kids that he provided for in his care.

i held drew alll night until amma came 

to pick us up for school 

my dad reaction  after we got home was physical towards

that caused her to take drew & josh away  

breaking my idea of a family 

here is how this relates to the compilation //

we moved outta holly hall apartments 2017 : 

that was the first residence my dad got once him & drew’s mom parted ways 

my fall semester of 5th grade . 

going into 6th grade i believe drew only spent 2 nights in the holly hall apartment 

before leaving to Atlanta with his mom

based on her pursuit to complete her college degree + heal the trauma from the physical abuse 

the memories // experiences from the premature middle school days got housed in that storage facility 

leaving a feeling behind 

as the years went on : i forgot what all 

got put into that storage space 

all i know : 

these were items that helped shape my experience as a kid 

such devices + ui interfaces + toys + clothing + images + “accessories”

that made me // me 

without a strong sense // structure of family + access to my belongings @ dads storage 

i went on a pursuit to present project that would solve my problem . + potentially give 

// purpose behind why i do the things I do .

establish : a mission to rebuild family .

getting my lil brother in the studio to generate a compilation seemed like a good strategy to gain access to more spaces + open doors to reconstruct / manage property .  causing a snowball effect // chain reaction into helping others outside of my family +  -“ my creative collective 

title : grandpasrevenge brief backstory 

after my dad pissed me off 

i wanted mack to get back @ him

they usually get into it 

the dynamic of their relationship is like 


run a press release thru an in-house creative agency label ; so :

im calling it what it is 

“@publicrelationsmediabroadcast” an idea firm taking on journalism starting with the subject of self : a “ human ” 

titled “ domenique “ 

living learning the life 

soon to shift focus onto the production of the documentary : “ MAGENTA “ a short film

based on color theory + human expressions.

the firm current priorities consist of : 

ensuring the establishment has a physical presence to manufacture ideas to serve to people.

the document of ‘

saymyname the compilation article : review 

is presented in this written format to represent the youth aspect of learning how to operate software such as word & powerpoint to present projects to a group of people.

blog era 

looking at the culture + deciphering my previous work 

i wanted to make something that could really resonate in the gallery aspect just as much as @ home.  

i love the alone time allotted to crafting this body of work . research purposes 

this era has been a 2014 screenshot 

#newage #homework 

acknowledgment :

savannah morgan 

i applied to Texas Art supply in august 2022 

after spending a summer of crafting ideas to supply for the compilation // 

i was inspired to get my first official job 

to financially support my ideas in a field that was more up my alley. + network + 

the day 

i took the bus :: which takes 2 routes to get dropped off directly in front of the store 

with me not accounting the time + distance it would take to get there ; i walked from richmond x montrose towards westheimer // right as im walking up to west alabama 

my mentor mich stevenson 

sees me :

he does a u-turn to ask where im headed  ?

i tell him “ texas art supply “ …

that instant synchronicity

bc we used to go there 

when i was an intern under his leadership 

getting resources + materials to construct my portfolio so it was a surreal experience being in that moment. 

this is the man 

that provided me the artworker internship that developed my perspective + skills as a craftsman workin with 

the digital + physical mediums

finding harmony within my sensibility.

learning software +  physical installation 

with me wanting to physically show my face to my future employer 

he dropped me off in the parking lot 

i did quick interview + filled out the application before the hiring manager left for the day which seemed like sweet coincidence cause she woulda been gone if i woulda walked from the first bus stop .

i left my grandpa’s company to enroll back into houston community college not knowing what i was going back for : i had interest in shifting my curriculum from

audio engineering to something fashion related 

Mich invited me to lunch one summer afternoon & sugggested I get into the fashion industry  making a Gala reference 

mich seen how i developed my name into my work with me wearing clothes as intern  // making spills on my garments inspiring me to be intentional with my accidents . creating the nature around 

the first capsule collection of @domtrejon

there’s this meme 

loooking at the attendees 

mostly musician who get dressed & not even construct the garment 

wasn’t sure which degree plan to follow 

before making the decision to enroll into patternmaking classes 

i simultaneously started school 

work as served as a 

hub for information :’s reference 

establishing #solutionseekers 

my first official position as sales associate 

finding everything ok 

bouncing from department to department 

mama [ her ] 

work ethic established a schedule at the studio study to craft during late nights + early mornings . 

hours spent indulge in all my interests .

my niece @ the time 6 moved in with 

me + my mom which put my energy towards making sure i put her to bed @ night 

sippin on starbucks doubleshot 

watching documentaries on film fashion 

juggling school + work every other day 

created a cycle


i feel that music is essential . 

there is power in frequencies.

the tone of the project is spectrum based

the results i truly desire from this project : 

representation of the scale of emotions + getting closer to access spaces that will fund my ideas to reconstruct my family.

a display of juxtaposition in self interest.

question : the quality 

my production . is it good ? is it bad ?

mixing alter egos like it’s track . because it’s journey of 

is it mixed yet ???

as a kid born in 2001 

discovering the aesthetic 

“. frutiger aero “ solidified my place :: plans for my ideas to develop 

the sustainable development lifestyle is the whole point : once we define family the next stage is 

we articulate the importance 

i understand that i don’t know how my freedoms are upkept let alone 

see a need : be a need 

it means there is a market 

to manufacture 

the social construct that was designed for us to behave was written before our time. ive identified the reason why i get up in the mornings ; lately the ease isn’t fulfilling # hardships are on the way 

i fell in love with the word ”construction“ the place to be . land 

seeing the state of music i just wanted to create a space to feel :

like im learning for the first time 

the kid is the grandpa 

the revenge is love  

choices construct your character 

all from above 

i heard a call … 

my digital devices started having 

storage issues just as the project 

started to get developed 

which caused files to be lost due to me carelessly making beats + editing + recording footage 

on an iPhone 11 so 

i lost roughly 10-15 tracks that left an impression on me to stay in the studio mind frame to complete the series of sound sculptures to make up from what i lost. 

getting my younger family members on my production felt like the most grandpasrevenge thing to do so : 

deconstructing the theory of relativity 

with me challenging my taste of sound 

i realize all my favorite songs have an unique ingredient that could classify it as a bad // dislikable song. 

i wanted to explore the minimal maximum approach with finding the right complementary layers to add together to present the idea of a “song”. the way i orchestrated this project i would consider it “a series of sound sculptures” based on the production style of sampling + making my own progressions/patterns. 


materials utilized :

iPad mini 

MacBook 2017 

iPhone 11 + 13

iPad [regular] 2023

“Not Your Mom” + “Certified” are honorary mentions of songs i felt so attached to ; that got lost in the realm of iCloud. i told myself to recreate that feeling thru the lens of what officially got put out : my favorite tracks on this record :



new age indie alternative hyperpop electronic idm edm dub DNB

i was in the space of making a mix of my favorite songs from my solo discography following alongside :

a short film // visualizer 

put together : finalized 

but didn’t get rendered in time to have play capabilities for the public … 

so after having a few personal projects perhaps scrapped : having that one track i made with Drew pushed me to focus constructing the series of sound sculptures 

transforming my mom’s backroom as a “studio study” a place to research & craft.

the headquarters : the office space 

everyone should experience the feeling of staying at their mama house making the best out the resources provided.

i think everyone should experience that feeling : earth ???

everything is make believe 

everything is he said she said 

sound the systems :

frequencies filled space with time :

sound sculptures 

spitting image 

vicarious lifestyle addicted to images 

tumblr served as has source to feed my ego

giving guidance to where i wanna be be.

searching for a space to house these ideas

i found a hat : leader of post frame construction ; certain garments of clothing put me in  “ Fuck You  “ mindset 

i mean it really in a “ Fuck Them “ mindset 

@ whoever birth the agenda to define these 

standards with crappy comparisons of what true expressions is 

so happens it turns into a 

“ Fuck Me “ mindset because i wanna remain able to grow & develop which 

takes listening : learning from experience of others. can’t completely close that door 

sonder: the realization that each person that passes by has a life as vivid and complex as our own.


[ SAY MY NAME ] bc i used to hate it // reshaping my gratitude towards everything before me // create problems that create solutions that create change // i feel like this project will be every step towards channeling my favorite producers // dilla aphex twin knxwledge boards of canada 100 gecs MGMT are the conversations i want to be in .

the idea started from a song being made from an iPad mini. #4023 was the first track we worked on that planted the seed for the compilation. January 2022 i invited my lil brother over to my house to spend time with me just to show him how i conduct my days.

with me understanding at his age i was just 

figuring out what i wanted to do for myself.

providing insight to who i am & what i do building a bond based off what we build :

we started scheduling sessions for us to 

to stack material for this project.

trust that it was very sporadic.

at times i would be disconnected from the source of inspiration that sparked the idea. 

i spent late nights early mornings

researching my niche.

i utilized tumblr has a source to seek images to vicariously craft my own livelihood as i spent hours looking at what i would describe as “ the best things ever ”  according to my sense of taste. 

don’t accept me 

figure out 

this is not an album *but it is*

refuel refresh relieve

are you willing to work ?

it’s riskier to be safe & it’s safe to be risky

waste water all you want 

i value the organic nature of flow 

power to the product 

you can’t expect to get what you are not willing to give 

that’s how you able to give it away :

you got it 

fair : well 

guidance display 


#YIMMY @publicrelationsmediabroadcast PRMB @domtrjon @damngrandpadom #mtnvw #nothing2crazy #studiostudy

#grandpasrevenge #article #review #report

#publicrelations #mediabroadcast #goodmormor #magenta #domtrejon